Looking back over the photos from your honeymoon, you simply have to smile.
After months of planning numerous perfect outfits for the blue domes of Greece and the shots that you hoped to take along various spots on the Mediterranean, all of the plans that you made fell apart. With the arrival of the pandemic and the continued threats of Covid 19, your long planned honeymoon was cancelled. Fortunately, your husband invested a lot of time in creating a substitute. He asked for your opinions about several different ideas, but the exact announcement of your destination did not happen until the two of you arrived at the airport just 36 hours after the ceremony.
In the end the two of you traveled to the Grand Tetons in Wyoming. You took a one day trip to visit Yellowstone National Park, but you spent the majority of the days on long hikes. The perfect little sundresses that you had planned for Greece are packed away. Instead, you found yourself wearing hikes boots, shorts and layers of shirts and jackets that you could work your way through as the early morning temperatures changed into warmer ones later in the day.
The pictures are certainly not the same as the ones you would have had in Athens or Santorini, but in the end you love looking at the images of the two of you surrounded by a rugged American kind of beauty and away from any kind of crowd. your favorite pictures from the while experience are the ones of you and your new husband donned in rented fly fishing outfits. Your husband planned this to be a one time outing, but you found another day when you could again check out some fly fishing tackle bags and don those unique fly fishing outfits and spend even more time with your favorite guide in the peace and quiet of some of the most beautiful spots you have ever visited.
Fishing and Camping Are Great Ways to Make Sure That You Reconnect with Nature
Finding time to spend in the great outdoors has been a definite advantage when it comes to the challenges the pandemic have brought. Specifically, more and more individuals, couples, families, and groups of families have readjusted their plans to travel abroad and are looking for safe outdoor options closer to home. Fishing and camping are big winners when it comes to these kinds of challenges. Couples who are having to step away from their over seas travel plans may still be looking for ways to spend time together in a unique setting. And while many people have fished in the past, fly fishing outfits are not as common. This kind of fishing requires special gear, garb, and guidance. Luckily, there is an entire industry built around meeting these needs.
Consider these facts and figures about the fishing industry and the impact that it was having on the nation’s economy even before the pandemic threatened other kinds of travel plans:
- There were approximately 11.6 million youth participants, between the ages of six and 17 years, fishing in the U.S. in the year 2017.
- In that same year, the largest share of fishing participants went on four to eleven trips. In comparison, a small percentage went on fishing outings more than 104 times a year.
- And while many people may think of fishing as a sport for older people, it is important to note that more than 60% of recreational fishing participants were under 45 in the year 2017.
- The kinds of fishing in 2017 varied as well, to, more than 49 million Americans participating in freshwater, saltwater, and fly fishing.
- Research indicates that In 2018, there was just fewer than 30 million paid fishing license holders in the country. The gross cost of these fishing licenses exceeded $720 million that year.
- As many as 9.6 billion pounds of fish were caught in the U.S. in 2016.
- In the year 2018, 20.38% of respondents between ages 18 to 29 years stated that they went fishing in the last 12 months.
- In total, an estimated 51.59 million people went fishing in 2017. Were you one of those in a fly fishing outfit?