Those first pictures are adorable. The long loose pigtails that draped over her shoulders. The standard issue blue uniform. Number six, like seven other girls on the team. After all, that’s what happens when you get to pick your own number and you are six years old. The uniform shorts Continue Reading
Are You Looking for a Group Outdoor Adventure?
Rafting adventures are the ultimate opportunity for athletic workouts, while at the same time providing incredible scenery. While you could select easy and relaxing rafting river trips that are mild enough for the entire family, you can also schedule a white water adventure that will challenge your physical skills as Continue Reading
How to Properly Pack a Cooler
You might consider yourself the king of packing camping coolers — and you may very well be — but there’s always room for improvement. Here are a few tips to help you pack the cooler more efficiently. Start cold. – The first thing your camping cooler should be is cold. Continue Reading
Rivers Providing Action and Relaxation in Equal Measure
With the influx of technology entering our lives in more pervasive ways every year, three out of four Americans continue to view outdoor recreation as a significant part of their lives; this may provide relief to those who think technology is directing us to a point of no return. While Continue Reading
Change the Way You Look at the Outdoors Forever With a Trip to the Grand Canyon
It’s easy to get shut in and focused on our homes or work, staring day in and day out at your computer screen, but every now and then, it’s good to get outside and take an adventure. Spending time outdoors and engaging in outdoor activities that you might not ordinarily Continue Reading
Fundamentals to Hitting Jumps and Jiibs With Your Snowboard
In just the spring of 2014, 11 million people had gone skiing or snowboarding during the last 12 months in the United States. Both skiing and snowboarding are great sports to enjoy and can even get competitive. Learning to jump a feature can add to the enjoyment of the sport. Continue Reading
How To Buy Toys That Stimulate Your Child’s Learning
Children are always going to play, so the only question is what they’re going to play with. And that can make all the difference in terms of their mental development. When you’re buying toys for children (up to about age 12), think about how much they stimulate the imagination. If Continue Reading
Access to Clean Water is Still An Issue For Millions of People Worldwide, Inventors Work Harder
Surprisingly, access to safe and clean drinking water remains a concern throughout the world: over 140 million children and families lack consistent access to water, and in some places the walk to access drinking and bathing water can be miles long. Every day in the spring, world peacekeeping authorities celebrate Continue Reading
A Beginner’s Guide to Packing for a Hunting or Fishing Trip
If you?re an beginner fly fisher or game hunter about to embark on a hunting trip, you need to be well prepared. There are many things to consider while packing, from what type of hunting equipment you?ll need to what things you?ll need in the event of an emergency. The Continue Reading
Adrenaline Junkie? Try White Water Rafting!
Are you looking for an adventure? Eager to share it with a partner, other family members, or friends? Have you ever considered rafting? It’s a thrill-seeking activity that also is great for your health and one that you can share with many people. You’re sure to make memories on your Continue Reading