Having a swimming pool is a wonderful addition to any home and can not only improve overall property values but give the family a way to relax and enjoy time with friends and family. However. Maintaining a swimming pool is a big responsibility. Things like swimming pool resurfacing and routine Continue Reading
Wild Alaskan Fishing and Travel Ideas
Three Ways to Make Your Pool More Energy Efficient
Having a pool on your property requires a lot of maintenance and care. A pool can improve your home value while adding a fun activity for your family and friends. Moreover, if you are considering building an in-ground pool on your property, you might want to contact a local pool Continue Reading
Tumbling to the Top of Health and Fitness
If you value sportsmanship and want your children to do the same, cheerleading and tumbling classes might be the activity for your family. In addition to sportsmanship, cheerleading will increase your child’s strength, flexibility and balance. In fact, cheerleading is often so intense that it will teach your young athletes Continue Reading
Testing is Key Pool Maintenance Tips and Techniques
If you’re a new pool owner, it’s important to learn how to take care of your investment so that you keep it safe and get the best results out of getting it. Your swimming pool builder will generally provide you with lots of helpful information, but it’s always good to Continue Reading
Are Parasites Plaguing America’s Swimming Pools?
Swimming is a low-impact, healthy activity with mental and physical health benefits. These health benefits include cardiovascular fitness, muscle strengthening, weight maintenance, stress reduction, improved body posture, balance coordination, and endurance building. Most swimming in the United States takes place in residential and public pools. According to the Association of Continue Reading
Developing a Fun and Easy Kids Fitness Routine for Summertime
Summer may be the time of warm weather and outdoor activities, but for many kids, there may be no change in routine from the colder seasons. Children in the United States spend an average of seven-and-a-half hours per day in front of some kind of screen, whether its a TV Continue Reading
Pool Maintenance Made Easy Thanks to Pool Automation
It’s often been said that all work and no play will make Jack — or Jill — dull, however, that’s not necessarily true. When it comes to maintaining your pool, the more work you put in the more enjoyment you can get out of it. As such, it’s important for Continue Reading
From Camping Supplies to Scuba Gear, Don’t Forget These Summer Fun Items
Each year, 43 million Americans go camping in the great outdoors, and millions more join in activities such as mountain climbing, hiking, scuba diving, and other hobbies. The majority of campers — about 84% — will participate in these and other outdoor activities, but in order to do so, they Continue Reading
Creating a Backyard Oasis With Beautiful Pool Lighitng
Creating a personal backyard oasis complete with a sparkling swimming pool is a dream that many Americans have. However, proper pool maintenance is an important part of creating the personal backyard paradise so many Americans are yearning to have. Maintaining a pool involves regularly checking the water’s chemistry to ensure Continue Reading