The world is a dangerous place. For those that work a dangerous field, the right equipment can be the one thing standing between a person and death. Body armor for police knows this and prepares for this with state-of-the-art materials that can withstand punctures, heavy temperatures and extreme conditions. A tactical plate carrier, steel-toed boots and proper gloves are all required to do a demanding job that requires the wearer always be at the ready.
Learn more about the function of tactical gear and how it should be approached at any given time.
How does body armor save lives? Let’s take a look. It’s estimated as many as 87 officers in New York City alone have been saved through the use of body armor for police since 1978. Some of the most common hazard are gunshots, stab wounds and exposure to harsh chemicals. All of these and more should be staved off by equipment that is regularly maintained on a constant basis. This means cleaning joints, double-checking wear-and-tear and always replacing anything too damaged to work.
A gunshot wound isn’t always fatal, but there’s no reason not to be extra careful. The chance of dying from a gunshot wound to the torso is nearly three times higher for officers without body armor for police than their equipped counterparts. According to a recent survey provided by the Bureau Of Justice Statistics, over 70% of departments back in 2013 actively required all officers to wear body armor at all times. To make this rate even higher, it is imperative to understand the benefits of body armor for police.
Around one-third of law enforcement deaths over the past decade were caused by gunshots, making it the most common source of death right after vehicle crashes. Police duty gear needs to be powerful enough to withstand a bullet, but flexible enough to remain accessible while driving, walking or standing for long periods of time. This means breathable material that discourages the build-up of moisture as much as tough elements that can stop a round.
More data suggests that a lack of armor maintenance is a huge problem. Studies have shown 20% of the officers who died from a gunshot to the torso while wearing armor died because what they were wearing wasn’t powerful enough to stop the force of a bullet. Armor is constantly being tested and analyzed to stay updated with the most recent and pressing concerns, meaning you should be checking your bulletproof body armor on a yearly basis. This means becoming familiar with body armor levels, double-checking statistics and keeping a close eye on minor details that could become huge issues.
When it comes to everyday safety, body armor for police is a necessary barrier between an officer and the unpredictability of life. Tactical body armor should cover all the basics to remain dependable in a pinch. How will you check your body armor this year?