Three Important Pool Maintenance Tips to Remember This Summer

Updated 6/14/24

If you own a pool, you must keep it clean and safe for family and friends to enjoy. If you’re a first time pool owner, you may wonder, “What does pool maintenance include?” According to Pool Operation Management, pool maintenance should include chemical balancing. There are test strips you can buy to evaluate the chemical balance of your pool so you can adjust it as needed.

You may also ask, “How often should you clean your pool?” According to Forbes, a pool needs to be cleaned at least once a week. Pool cleaning removes dirt, debris, and leaves, keeping the water safe and clear. According to Archers Archery, you should also vacuum your pool weekly because that will reduce the amount of chemicals you need to keep your pool balanced. Pool owners who are new to pool care may find it beneficial to buy pool maintenance kits. According to Shoreline Pools, those kits can contain various ingredients, including a Ph balancer, a calcium balancer, and chlorine tablets. The kit could also include an alkalinity balancer and pool antifreeze. If your maintenance tasks reveal a need for pool repair, you should contact a pool care professional.

All Pools Are Different

Keep reading this article to learn more!

Waterfall pumps

The “coolest” way to stay cool during the summer is to simply take a dip in a pool! However, staying on top of your pool’s maintenance may seem like an arduous task at first glance, however, in reality it isn’t all that bad. And, isn’t it worth it to stay cool this summer? Definitely!

All pools are different, and so are their individual maintenance needs. However, all pools have one thing in common: they need to be kept clean. The secret to having a pristine, sparkling blue pool is regular, routine maintenance. If you decide to tackle common pool problems such as murky water or broken Energy Star certified pumps, it’s important to always adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions. Even if you choose to use a service company to maintain your pool, you’ll still have to do a few things on your own.

Now is a great time to prepare by stocking up on pool essentials such as pool cleaning equipment, pool cleaning products, other pool cleaning supplies, and maybe even some colored underwater pool lights. Getting a head start stocking up on pool must-haves will save you precious time during peak season in the summer.

Also, it’s a good idea to have all of your pool’s systems double checked to ensure everything is in good working order, especially your pool’s pump. Energy efficient pool pumps, such as Energy Star certified pumps, provide you with the best of both worlds: fresh, clean water and energy savings.

In addition, it’s recommended to vacuum your pool at least once a week in order to reduce the amount of chemicals needed. In addition, it’s important to brush the walls weekly in order to combat the growth of algae and calcium deposits. Last but not least, it’s important to regularly clean your pool’s filter. There are three basic kinds of filters, all requiring different maintenance. You should clean or change yours depending on the manufacturer’s recommendation.


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