Shopping for gifts for a runner can be a challenge, and with the holiday season quickly approaching, now is the time to start working on present ideas. Instead of sticking to the usual gifts, like socks, shirts and shorts, why not try something a little different this year? Jewelry always makes a nice present, and jewelry for runners gives them a chance to show off their love of the sport and even their running accomplishments. The other great thing about running jewelry is that it does’t just have to be for women. Check out these different jewelry ideas for the runner in your life this holiday season:
- Running Necklaces – Running necklaces come in a wide variety of styles, and it’s easy to find them for both men and women. Necklaces are a great way to celebrate a big accomplishment, like completing a half marathon or full marathon. Running necklaces can even be personalized, making them all the more special.
- Running Charms – Charms also come in a wide variety of styles, making it easy to find something to meet anyone’s interests. From running shoes to running figures, there is a charm for everyone. Even better, most charms can be personalized with a runner’s name, and if they are a gift to celebrate finishing a race, the name of the race and their race time can also be added. Charms are also versatile, so they can be switched from a charm for a bracelet to running necklace charms easily.
- Runners ID Bracelets – Although these are not bracelets in the traditional sense, ID bands can provide runners and their family members with a little peace of mind. These bracelets are engraved with a runner’s name, address, emergency contact information and any severe allergies. If someone is out for a run on their own and finds themselves in trouble, this information can help emergency responders treat them and contact the necessary person to alert them to the incident.
Running jewelry is a different gift idea that any runner would love to receive. Whether it is to celebrate a recent accomplishment or just to show their love for running, running necklaces, charms and ID bracelets make fun and unique gift ideas.
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