The U.S. may have just made its official exit from the 2014 World Cup, but if you’re as much a fan of America as you are of sports betting, then your wallet and your pride could still be feeling the pain. A writer for the Las Vegas Sun recently brought up a confusing issue in the world of sports betting: he asked, Is it wrong to bet against the U.S.? It is considered unpatriotic?
According to the findings of Ray Brewer, he joined the many Americans who also wagered on the American soccer team, despite knowing that they were the underdogs and not likely to win, because of an overwhelming sense of guilt. And yet, this is one of the biggest mistakes in the world of sports betting. Any expert bettor knows not to bet with the heart, but to bet with the head. There’s a reason why bettors often stay away from alcohol and drugs during games. There’s a reason why dedicated gamblers will comb through websites looking for free sports picks or subscribe to a service that allows bettors to buy sports picks. There’s a reason why sometimes the most talented bettors have never even played the sport they like to bet on.
Sports betting is wildly popular around the world and it makes up 13% of the entire global gambling market, making it a large part of the $600 billion that changed hands just in the past year due to gambling. Although a large portion of sports betting in the U.S. occurs in unofficial fantasy leagues between college mates and coworkers, knowing the basic of sports betting can make a huge impact on whether you win or lose.
Of course, it’s not reasonable to expect to win your bets on every single game. Even the experts — who provide the tips you get when you buy sports picks — can’t get it right every time. But, to use the phrase Brewer uses when describing himself in the world of sports betting, the bettor who ignores facts and statistics is likely to always remain “a perennial loser.”
A good bettor doesn’t have to buy sports picks from an expensive site or keep notebooks filled with daily sports picks, but a lot of bettors are acknowledging (or realizing for the first time) a painful truth which only hindsight provides: just because you want a team to win doesn’t mean they actually will. Ger more information on this topic here: www.blowoutpicks.com