When it comes to backyard summer fun, there are few things that top the novelty and pure joy of owning a pool. With 10.4 million residential swimming pools, and 309,000 public pools in the United States, it is no wonder why swimming is one of the most popular outdoor activities for adults and children alike. Home owners and sellers alike ought to consider installing a residential pool in their yards, as it not only increases your home’s potential for fun, but it can add much-needed value to any home property.
In Ground Pools
Installing an in ground pool is a costly affair that can help to increase the value of your home by up to 8%. An in ground pool can cost between $20,000 and $50,000 according to pool installers. The actual installation process can take between two and five weeks so long as the weather is favorable and there are no issues with installation. It is not uncommon for a residential pool to be surrounded by a four foot high fence, as it can help minimize safety and drowning hazards for small children.
Hot Tubs and Spas
For those looking to heat up instead of cooling down, a hot tub or spa could add just as much value to your home as a backyard pool. With over 6.6 million hot tubs in the United States, Americans are conquering winter months in the comfort of their own hot tub. Hot tubs require relatively little installation work, although they still should be regularly cleaned and maintained in order to get the greatest number of years out of a unit. If you’re trying to keep cool in the summer, warm in the winter, or just increase your property’s value, a pool or hot tub is one of the surest ways to get the job done.