Three Ways to Make Your Pool More Energy Efficient

Having a pool on your property requires a lot of maintenance and care. A pool can improve your home value while adding a fun activity for your family and friends. Moreover, if you are considering building an in-ground pool on your property, you might want to contact a local pool contractor and see how much it costs to install it.

Basic Information About Pools

You might want to learn about pool electricity costs and have a swimming pool maintenance checklist before installing your new pool. You can hire a professional to help you maintain your pool in optimal conditions and avoid common swimming pool problems. However, you can learn how to improve your pool and what products go best with your pool.

What You Should Know About Pools

When thinking about building an in-ground pool on your property, you might want to follow a pool troubleshooting procedure occasionally to ensure your pool works smoothly. Keeping an eye on your pool will help you save expenses in the long run while providing a safe and functional environment within your outdoors.

A swimming pool is an excellent addition to your property. However, you need to keep an eye on its maintenance and have an extra budget for repairs. Contact us if you want more information about pool maintenance.

Environmentally responsible pool heater

Having an above ground or in-ground pool is an excellent way to transform your outdoor environment, and help to create a paradise that your family can relax in all summer long.
But have you ever thought about your pool’s energy efficiency? To the environmentally minded, swimming pools can seem like a great waste of energy and resources.
But don’t empty out your pool just yet. Luckily, there are ways to ensure that you pool is energy efficient, and running as responsibly as possible.
Here are three ways to make your pool more energy efficient:
Tip No. 1: Check Your Equipment
One of the biggest culprits for an inefficient pool is out of date, poorly functioning pool equipment. When your pool equipment isn’t functioning at peak performance, it takes twice as much energy to perform tasks, leading to a great deal of energy waste. Some of the top pool products to target are automatic pool filters, and pool pumps. There are many updated, energy efficient models on the market now. While they may seem expensive, it is best to view it as an investment in both the environment and to lowering your total pool energy costs.

Tip No. 2: Practice Regular Maintenance
By practicing regular pool management and maintenance, you’ll be guaranteeing that your pool equipment and filters will be running as efficiently as possible. This means regularly skimming the pool a few times a week, and cleaning the filters once a week.
To prevent heat loss in your pool, don’t forget to use the pool cover when you aren’t using the pool for long periods of time. By addings landscape to your yard, such as trees and shrubs, your pool’s temperature will also be a lot safer from wind and other elements.

Tip No. 3: Timing is Key
Regulating your pool on a timed system is the best way to ensure that your pool is functioning in an energy efficient manner. For pool equipment such as pool pumps, run the pump for shorter periods of time at consistent intervals each day. This will ensure regular maintenance with an appropriate run time for cleaning. It is also best to do this at night, between the hours of 8-10 pm. These hours are off-hours, and are times when electricity demand is lower.

Now that you have these tips, achieving energy efficiency with your swimming pool should be easy as pie. Now what are you waiting for? Dive in!

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